The nurses have been working tirelessly during this pandemic and have even stayed away from homes for days at a stretch. On International Nurses’ Day, actresses Anushka Sharma, Shraddha Kapoor, and Dia Mirza took to their social media to laud the front-liners for their efforts and hard work. From dedicating sketches to a heartwarming video with notes, these actresses along with the rest of us couldn’t be more grateful for these heroes. Take a look at their posts.
Anushka Sharma took to her Instagram story to share a sketch. Shraddha Kapoor posted a heartfelt note along with a picture while Dia Mirza posted a video to express her gratitude.
We couldn’t be more grateful of the nurses for being fearless warriors in fighting Coronavirus.
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor urges her followers to help migrants who are trying to get back home
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