In October, Bollywood Hungama had reported that Janhvi Kapoor had been roped in for the Ali Abbas Zafar directorial Bade Miyan Chote Miyan. In fact, we had told you that Janhvi would be paired opposite Tiger Shroff in the film as a romantic interest, while Akshay Kumar on the other hand would not have a love interest in the venture. Now, as per reports, it is learnt that the makers of the film have roped in Manushi Chhillar for the project.
As per a report on PinkVilla, the Miss World 2017 winner Manushi Chhillar who was last seen on the big screen incidentally in her debut, the Akshay Kumar starrer Samrat Prithviraj, has been roped in to play one of the female leads in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan. Talking about the casting further, the report states that the film will feature three female leads, with Manushi being one of them. Currently, with Janhvi and Manushi being roped in for the project, it remains to be seen who the makers cast for the third female lead.
Talking about the film itself, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, which is produced by Vashu and Jackky Bhagnani, is slated to go on floors in January 2023. In fact, the entire team at Pooja Entertainment have begun work on the project in earnest and will also be roping in an international team to oversee the action in the film. According to reports, the makers of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan are looking to go on floors by January 15, 2023 with a release being planned for December the same year. As for the shoot schedule, the first leg of the film will begin in India, later moving to various international locations in Europe and UAE over a period of 100 days.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor paired with Tiger in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, no love interest for Akshay Kumar
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