Priyanka Chopra has made a mark for herself not simply in India but in Hollywood too. As she launched her first make-up collection with Max Factor, she became the first Indian to be featured on the cover of British Vogue. For the very first time, the actress has posed with her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas for a shoot though her face is hidden.
Malti Marie was born to Nick Jonas and Priyanka in the January of last year but she was kept in NICU for 100 days before the couple to taken her home. In the interview with the magazine, the actress opened up on the premature birth of her daughter. “I was in the OR [operating room] when she came out. She was so small, smaller than my hand,” she said, adding, “I saw what the intensive-care nurses do. They do God’s work. Nick and I were both standing there as they intubated her. I don’t know how they even found what they needed [in her tiny body] to intubate her.”
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Priyanka Chopra also spoke about how she opted for surrogacy. Talking to the magazine, she said, “I had medical complications, this was a necessary step, and I’m so grateful I was in a position where I could do this. Our surrogate was so generous, kind, lovely and funny, and she took care of this precious gift for us for six months…You don’t know me, You don’t know what I’ve been through. And just because I don’t want to make my medical history, or my daughter’s, public doesn’t give you the right to make up whatever the reasons were."
On the professional front, the 40-year-old actress has a bunch of projects in the pipeline; Love Again, Citadel (web series), and Ending Things to name a few. She also has a Farhan Akhtar film in her kitty, titled Jee Le Zaraa, which stars Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.
ALSO READ: Priyanka Chopra Jonas becomes the first Indian actor to rule the cover of British Vogue
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